Looking to Buy a Home?

Learn About Your Mortgage First!

The Mortgage Process can be intimidating, but The Welch Mortgage Team at Gold Star make it EASY!

The Guidance You Need with the Service You Deserve

We’ll get you informed about the whole process and prepared to buy your dream home!

Fill out the easy form below and we’ll get started helping you navigate the process, from credit score to closing, and all the steps in between.

Take Advantage of Our Great Service on All Our Mortgages. Rate Lowering Programs Available!

Gold Star’s FastPASS Pre Approval is the Best in the Industry

We quickly put you in the strongest and most competitive position to make an offer on your dream home!

Our New 30 Year Fixed Mortgage will save you money with below market rates for two years and you can refinance to lock in a lower market rate at any time to lock in for the long term!

Fill out our short form (less than two minutes!) and we’ll get you the Home you deserve!